In different locations across the World, food technology research centers as well as Universities have state-of-the-art high pressure processing technology from Hiperbaric inside their pilot plants and research facilities.

Likewise, a good number of corporations and agrifood companies (generally those of a bigger size) count with Hiperbaric systems within their R&D centers.

Our absolute best-seller for this type of customers is undoubtedly our Hiperbaric 55 unit, which being totally compact and integrated, and with a small footprint, offers all the features and capabilities of bigger industrial equipment, hence not only allowing research works and investigation but also comercial developments, packaging validation in the real comercial formats, market testings etc.

Hiperbaric has technological and R&D partners in USA, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Germany, Japan…

Also, inside the company structure of Hiperbaric there are three HPP Centers of Excellence that offer our customers access to any tests, trials, development and validation they might require. Our HPP Centers of Excellence are located in Canada (Gridpath Inc), USA (Hiperbaric USA) and our headquarters in Spain (Hiperbaric, S.A.)

Some of our Technology Centers: