Hiperbaric designs, manufactures and markets High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for food industries since 1999. The company is heir of the Nicolas-Correa Group, which has more than 65 years tradition in machinery building.

  • 2002

    In the year 2002 the first Hiperbaric high pressure processing prototype was installed in Campofrío meat factory, in Spain, for the processing of export dry cured meat products. In the following years, Campofrio would become owner of three Wave 6000/300 equipment as it expanded its range of product with ready to eat meals “Vuelta y Vuelta”.


    1st industrial equipment by Hiperbaric

  • 2003

    In 2003, the first Hiperbaric HPP equipment is installed outside of Spain, in Italy.

  • 2004

    In October 2004 Hiperbaric earns the “ASME VIII Division 3 Certification” that allows the company to manufacture HPP equipment for the North American market. This very same year is installed in Canada the first Wave equipment for seafood processing.

  • 2005

    In 2005, the first Hiperbaric High Pressure Processing equipment of Asia is installed in Japan, a highly exigent technological market. First installation in the USA for clean labelled (no additives) sliced meat products starts processing.

    Hiperbaric spins-off its mother company, Nicolas-Correa Group, and becomes part of IBP Holding.

  • 2006

    In 2006, the company enters the Spanish R&D&I macro-project “CENIT-FUTURAL” for research and development of new foods.

    Hiperbaric wins the “FEMEBUR AWARD” as the best metal industry business project in Burgos, Spain.

    Equipment installed for the first time in England and New Zealand. Expansion in the USA, Canada, Italy and Japan.

  • 2007

    In 2007 is inaugurated Hiperbaric´s pilot plant in North America (Gridpath Inc., Ontario, Canada), equipped with a Hiperbaric 55 for customers trials and visits.

    First Hiperbaric installations in Australia and Peru.


  • 2008

    In the year 2008, Hiperbaric is awarded, during the “IFT INNOVATION AWARD” (Institute of Food Technologist) for the development of the world´s biggest and most productive HPP machine: Hiperbaric 420. As well, the company is selected by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Spanish International Commerce Institute (ICEX) ) as a modelic technological company in Spain.

    Hiperbaric equipment is installed for the first time in Belgium, Netherlands, Greece and Mexico.


  • 2009

    In 2009, the company inaugurates its new premises in Burgos (Spain) with manufacturing capacity of up to 50 HPP equipment per year.

    In October, Preshafood, Hiperbaric´s first Australian customer, wins several awards at the Beverage Innovation Awards, held at Munich International Exhibition “Drinktec”, thanks to its HPP range of juices. Including the maximum honour “Best New Beverage Concept” and ´Best New Juice or Juice Drink´

    Two High Pressure Processing equipment are installed in China and South Korea for fruit and vegetable product processing.

    First two Hiperbaric 420 are installed in Canada to process sliced deli meats with the highest food safety standards.

    First Hiperbaric 55HT is installed in AZTI-Tecnalia technological centre (Bilbao, Spain) for the study and development of PATS (Pressure Assisted Thermal Sterilization) and HPS (High Pressure Sterilization) products.


    Beverage Innovation Awards

  • 2010

    2010. Hiperbaric continues its international growth. In a turnover record year, it consolidates its position as World leader in High Pressure Processing equipment for the food industry.

    New designs: Fully integrated range and Hiperbaric 120 equipment are successfully launched.


    Hiperbaric’s Center of Excellence, Burgos

  • 2011

    In 2011 NC Hyperbaric S.A. changes its name and becomes Hiperbaric S.A. Hiperbaric renews also its corporative image, including a new logo.

    2011 proved to be a record year in Hiperbaric high pressure processing equipment orders. Some highlights were the first installations in France and the increase in interest from the juice and beverage sector, with new products like coconut water being launched or our customer, Evolution Fresh, being bought by Starbucks.


    Hiperbaric Assembly Workshop

  • 2012

    2012. Hiperbaric USA opens its office in Miami, Florida. The high demand in our biggest markets moved our company to install ourselves in the USA to provide our customers with the best service possible.

    Our customer Coldpress is declared the Winner of the Best Innovator category, and finalist in the Best New Drink Brand category at the FoodBev Awards 2011.